
Self-Acceptance: a safe space for growth

Though we may talk about Self-Care and (reluctantly) about Self-Love, we seldom really approach Self-Acceptance.Self-Acceptance? Hhhmmm…. Sounds very self-centered, and reeks of indulgence, somewhat. How could this allow me to ever outgrow my shortcomings, perform at my best, be an inspiration, be successful?I would have to accept the whole of me? I would have to

Self-Acceptance: a safe space for growth Read More »

Are your survival skills keeping you from thriving?

As Life unfolds, we build up very useful survival skills.Thank goodness, we do. So we can survive a lot a circumstances, horrendous, traumatic, or just slowly spirit eroding ones…Our beautiful brain is constantly reshaping itself to adapt and integrate new data, new environment, new situations and so forth. From birth to death, our brain is

Are your survival skills keeping you from thriving? Read More »

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