How could I be happy when the world is in shambles?

How could I be happy when the world is in shambles?

Is it selfish and heartless to dare being happy, to flaunt my joy to be alive when there is so much misery in this world? What about children dying of hunger, and war, and climate change?

The first thing is that my being unhappy, sad and desperate is never ever gonna help with it.

That’s the truth. Most people suffering from war, disease orinjustice right now would not understand why I could not enjoy my beautiful life while I can.

It would be looking like such a waste from where they stand!

Secondly, being happy doesn’t mean that I can’t feel empathetic and do all I can in my corner, to help where possible.

Actually, the happiest and most enthused I am in my life, the more I can move mountains!

And as a human I am able to hold in the same time all kinds of feelings too.

Including primal happiness.

It doesn’t make me heartless or callous to be happy despite the unrest of the world.

If you go to very poor countries you’ll see a lot of happiness and a lot of laughter and positive attitude, paradoxically.
Because in the face of circumstances it is always there, that capacity for glee, for joy, for mirth, for boyancy of spirit…

So while I feel deeply for all the suffering happening everywhere, near and far, I don’t let that separate me from the bubbling spring of joy I was born with.

Because when that happens, when I disconnect, when I cut myself from it, I just add my own suffering to the whole, and nobody benefits from that !

Besides, when I live from a lower vibration (sadness, powerlessness, anger, discontent), I not only mistreat my own body which goes into stress response, and struggles to stay in balance, but I also send out a lower quality of vibes that will ripple and affect others, in a very subtle, but potent, quantum way.

So no, it not heartless, nor selfish, for any of us to take any chance to celebrate our Life, to feel joyful, to feel boyant, to let joy have its way with us.

To go through each day focusing on all the good and the beautiful is not gonna make us blind to the needs of others who are less fortunate. We will however be more able to find solutions, to be compassionate, to be generous, and we will spread something ethereal and precious that is profoundly beneficial to the world.

Cultivate joy; practice happiness. Let yourself be carried away by the very nature of it. Let it be your trademak, in a world of doom and gloom. Beam your light. It’s your birth right.

Love and Light

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